Spring 2025
Bengali (BANGLA) 1B | 1 | TTh 4:30-7 B37 Dwinelle |
Introductory Bengali | 5 | Abhijeet Paul | 31983 |
Burmese (BURMESE) 1B | 1 | WTh 4-6 89 Dwinelle F 4-5 189 Dwinelle |
Introductory Burmese | 5 | Kenneth Wong | 25444 |
Filipino (FILIPN) 1B | 1 | M 10-12 255 Dwinelle TTh 11-12:30 2032 VLSB |
Introductory Filipino | 5 | Karen Llagas | 21506 |
Filipino (FILIPN) 1B | 2 | M-F 11-12 134 Dwinelle |
Introductory Filipino | 5 | Cynthia Chat Aban | 21507 |
Filipino (FILIPN) 1B | 3 | M-F 12-1 235 Dwinelle |
Introductory Filipino | 5 | Cynthia Chat Aban | 23787 |
Filipino (FILIPN) 1B | 4 | M-F 1-2 235 Dwinelle |
Introductory Filipino | 5 | Cynthia Chat Aban | 25442 |
Filipino (FILIPN) 100B | 2 | TTh 12:30-2 47 Evans W 12-2 263 Dwinelle |
Intermediate Filipino | 5 | Joi Barrios-LeBlanc | 25135 |
Filipino (FILIPN) 101B | 1 | TTh 11-12:30 47 Evans |
Advanced Filipino | 3 | Joi Barrios-LeBlanc | 23377 |
Hindi (HINDI) 100B | 1 | TTh 9:30-11 B33B Dwinelle |
Intermediate Hindi | 4 | Nora Koa | 23628 |
Indonesian (INDONES) 1B | 1 | MW 10-12 35 Evans F 10-11 130 Dwinelle |
Introductory Indonesian | 5 | Ninik Lunde | 23629 |
Indonesian (INDONES) 100B | 1 | MW 12-2 39 Evans F 12-1 263 Dwinelle |
Intermediate Indonesian | 5 | Ninik Lunde | 23630 |
Khmer (KHMER) 1B | 1 | M-F 2-3 Remote |
Introductory Khmer | 5 | Frank Smith | 21680 |
Khmer (KHMER) 100B | 1 | M-Th 4-5 Remote |
Intermediate Khmer | 5 | Frank Smith | 21681 |
Punjabi (PUNJABI) 1B | 1 | TTh 12:30-2 72 Evans |
Introductory Punjabi | 5 | Jvala Singh | 22695 |
101 | F 1-3 109 Morgan |
Lab | Jvala Singh | 22937 | ||
Punjabi (PUNJABI) 100B | 1 | TTh 3:30-5 39 Evans |
Intermediate Punjabi | 5 | Jvala Singh | 22696 |
101 | F 1-3 109 Morgan |
Lab | Jvala Singh | 22938 | ||
Sanskrit (SANSKR) 100B | 1 | MWF 9-11 39 Evans |
Elementary Sanskrit | 5 | Travis Smith | 22703 |
Sanskrit (SANSKR) 101B | 1 | Intermediate Sanskrit | 5 | Travis Smith | 26006 | |
South Asian (SASIAN) R5B | 1 | TTh 11-12:30 45 Evans |
India in the Writer's Eye: "Indian Connections in Southeast Asia" | 4 | Christian Gilberti | 22702 |
South Asian (SASIAN) R5B | 2 | MWF 2-3 31 Evans |
India in the Writer's Eye | 4 | Akshita Todi | 32165 |
South Asian (SASIAN) R5B | 3 | MWF 12-1 237 Cory |
India in the Writer's Eye | 4 | Ishaan Sharma | 25139 |
South Asian (SASIAN) 100B | 1 | MWF 1-2 69 Social Sci |
Introduction to Medieval and Modern South Asia | 4 | Munis D. Faruqui | 27543 |
101 | W 10-11 2070 VLSB |
Pronoy Chakraborty | 27544 | |||
102 | W 12-1 105 Social Sci |
Pronoy Chakraborty | 27545 | |||
South Asian (SASIAN) 110 | 1 | MWF 11-12 B51 Hildebrand |
Introduction to Hinduism | 4 | Luther Obrock | 27822 |
South Asian (SASIAN) C114 | TTh 3:30-5 104 Social Sci |
Tibetan Buddhism | 4 | Jetsun Deleplanque | 27007 | |
South Asian (SASIAN) 122 | 1 | TTh 2-3:30 179 Dwinelle |
The Novel in India | 4 | Rahul Parson | 31981 |
South Asian (SASIAN) 125 | 1 | TTh 11-12:30 130 Dwinelle |
South Asian Film | 4 | Rahul Parson | 25948 |
South Asian (SASIAN) 130 | 1 | MWF 11-12 70 Evans |
Film, Visual Media and Spectatorship Practices in Modern South Asia | 4 | Vasugi Kailasam | 31978 |
South Asian (SASIAN) 147 | 1 | MW 5-6:30 79 Dwinelle |
Pakistan: An Introduction | 4 | Munis Faruqui | 26637 |
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) R5B | 1 | MWF 2-3 206 Dwinelle |
Under Western Eyes | 4 | Rebekah Linh Collins | 23631 |
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) R5B | 2 | tbd | Under Western Eyes | 4 | Justin Weinstock | 25142 |
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) R5B | 3 | MWF 1-2 105 Dwinelle |
Under Western Eyes | 4 | Solihin Bin Samsuri | 25766 |
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) R5B | 4 | MWF 12-1 47 Evans |
Under Western Eyes | 4 | Qiao Dai | 32166 |
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) 101B | 1 | TTh 5-6:30 60 Social Sci |
Introduction to the History, Religion, and Culture of Insular Southeast Asia | 4 | Daniel Owen | 27542 |
101 | T 4-5 83 Dwinelle |
Discussion | Vincent Pacheco | 27548 | ||
102 | W 2-3 247 Dwinelle |
Discussion | Vincent Pacheco | 27549 | ||
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) 129 | 1 | MWF 12-1 259 Dwinelle |
Mainland Southeast Asian Literature | 4 | Rebekah Linh Collins | 27546 |
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) 165 | 1 | TTh 12:30-2 30 Wheeler |
Introduction to the History and Culture of the Philippines | 4 | Lisandro Claudio | 33572 |
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 39 | 1 | Th 9-11 250 Dwinelle |
Freshman/Sophomore Seminar | 2 | Karen Llagas and Joi Barrios-LeBlanc | 16820 |
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 39 | 2 | T 9-11 250 Dwinelle |
Freshman/Sophomore Seminar | 2 | Joi Barrios-LeBlanc and Cynthia Chat Aban | 16821 |
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) C145 | 1 | MWF 10-11 101 Weill |
Buddhism in Contemporary Society | 4 | Alex Von Rospatt | 23511 |
101 | Th 9-10 87 Dwinelle |
Discussion | Laurence Zhou | 23512 | ||
102 | Th 10-11 83 Dwinelle |
Discussion | Laurence Zhou | 31732 | ||
103 | W 11-12 13 Evans |
Discussion | Howard Mu | 23513 | ||
104 | W 12-1 B56 Hildebrand |
Discussion | Howard Mu | 23514 | ||
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) C220 | 1 | 288 Dwinelle | Seminar in Buddhism and Buddhist Texts | 2,4 |
Dhammdinna |
26517 |
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 250 | 1 | W 2-5 341 Dwinelle |
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies: The South Indian Novel: Form and Contexts | 1-4 | Vasugi Kailasam | 26636 |
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 250 | 2 | Th 3-6 | Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies: History of the Philippines | 1-4 | Lisandro Claudio | 26637 |
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 250 | 3 | F 2-5 104 Dwinelle |
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies | 1-4 | Luther Obrock | 34006 |
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) C275 | 1 | F 11-2 341 EA Library |
Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha: History and Modernity in Theravada Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka | 3 | Penny Edwards | 33233 |
Tamil (TAMIL) 1B | 1 | TTh 11-12:30 51 Evans W 10-12 2030 VLSB |
Introductory Tamil | 5 | Barathy Sankara Rajulu | 22857 |
Telugu (TELUGU) 1B | 1 | TTh 12:30-2 39 Evans W 12-1 106 Dwinelle |
Elementary Telugu | 4 | Barathy Sankara Rajulu | 22858 |
Vietnamese (VIETNMS) 1B | 1 | M-F 12-1 31 Evans |
Introductory Vietnamese | 5 | Hanh Tran | 22891 |
Vietnamese (VIETNMS) 100B | 1 | TTh 12:30-2 214 Haviland W 2-4 134 Dwinelle |
Intermediate Vietnamese | 5 | Hanh Tran | 22892 |
Vietnamese (VIETNMS) 101B | 1 | TTh 2-3:30 180 Social Sci |
Advanced Vietnamese | 4 | Cam Nguyen | 22893 |