Fall 2025

Bengali (BANGLA) 1A 1 TTh 4:30-7 Intermediate Bengali 5 Abhijeet Paul 31815
Burmese (BURMESE) 1A 1 WTh 4-6
F 4-5
87 Dwinelle
Introductory Burmese 5 Kenneth Wong 31816
Filipino (FILIPN) 1A 1 M-F 11-12
54 Social Sci
Introductory Filipino 5 Cynthia Chat Aban 25342
Filipino (FILIPN) 1A 2 M-F 12-1
54 Social Sci
Introductory Filipino 5 Cynthia Chat Aban 27093
Filipino (FILIPN) 1A 3 M-F 1-2
105 Dwinelle
Introductory Filipino 5 Cynthia Chat Aban 27094
Filipino (FILIPN) 100A 1 W 10-11
2 Evans
TTh 12:30-2
115 AAPB
Intermediate Filipino 5 Karen Llagas 21519
Filipino (FILIPN) 100A 2 TTh 2-3:30
F 1-3
Intermediate Filipino 5 Joi Barrios-LeBlanc 21520
Filipino (FILIPN) 101A 1 TTh 11-12:30
6 Evans
Advanced Filipino 3 Karen Llagas 23393
Hindi (HINDI) 1A 1 TTh 9:30-11
106 Dwinelle; 
W 10-12
224 Wheeler
Introductory Hindi 5 Nora Koa 23708
Hindi (HINDI) 100A 1 TTh 11-12:30
2070 VLSB
Intermediate Hindi 4 Nora Koa 27016
Hindi (HINDI) 101A 1 TTh 12:30-2
106 Dwinelle
Readings in Modern Hindi 4 Nora Koa 31546
Indonesian (INDONES) 1A 1 tbd Introductory Indonesian 5 Ninik Lunde 23705
Indonesian (INDONES) 100A 1 tbd Intermediate Indonesian 5 Ninik Lunde 23706
Indonesian (INDONES) 100A 2 tbd Intermediate Indonesian 5 Ninik Lunde 23707
Indonesian (INDONES) 210A 1 W 2-5
341 Dwinelle
Seminar in Malay Letters and Oral Traditions 5 Sylvia Tiwon 31642
Khmer (KHMER) 1A 1 M-F 2-3
Introductory Khmer 5 Frank Smith 21717
Khmer (KHMER) 100A 1 M-Th 4-5:15
Intermediate Khmer 5 Frank Smith 21718
Khmer (KHMER) 101A 1 TTh 12:30-1:45 
Advanced Khmer 3 Frank Smith 23003
Punjabi (PUNJABI) 1A 1 TTh 2-3:30
235 Dwinelle
Introductory Punjabi 5 Jvala Singh 22680
  101 F 1-3
120 Wheeler
Lab   Jvala Singh 22978
Punjabi (PUNJABI) 100A 1 TTh 5-6:30
235 Dwinelle
Intermediate Punjabi 5 Jvala Singh 22690
Punjabi (PUNJABI) 100A 101 F 1-3
120 Wheeler
Lab   Jvala Singh 22979
Sanskrit (SANSKR) 100A 1 MWF 9-11
179 Dwinelle
Elementary Sanskrit 5 Travis Smith 22681
Sanskrit (SANSKR) 101A 1 M 5-6:30
106 Dwinelle;
W 2-5
206 Dwinelle
Intermediate Sanskrit: Epic and Puranic Sanskrit 5 Travis Smith 31817
South Asian (SASIAN) R5A 2 MWF 1-2
54 Social Sci
Great Books of India 4   32598
South Asian (SASIAN) R5A 3 MWF 2-3
115 AAPB
Great Books of India 4   32599
South Asian (SASIAN) R5A 4 MWF 3-4
115 AAPB
Great Books of India 4   32600
South Asian (SASIAN) 100A 1 MWF 11-12
166 Social Sci
Introduction to Ancient South Asia 4 Alex Von Rospatt 26574
  101 Th 12-1
179 Stanley
Discussion     26575
  102 Th 1-2
130 Wheeler
Discussion     26576
South Asian (SASIAN) 131 1 TTh 9:30-11
234 Dwinelle
Introduction to Contemporary Tamil Literature 4 Vasugi Kailasam 32320
South Asian (SASIAN) C215 1 W 3-6
288 Dwinelle
Readings in Indian Buddhist Texts 2,4 Alex Von Rospatt 27687
South Asian (SASIAN) C224 1 Th 2-5
288 Dwinelle
Readings in Tibetan Buddhist Texts 2,4 Jake Dalton 31600
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) R5A 1 MWF 1-2
235 Dwinelle
Self, Representation, and Nation 4   24513
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) R5A 2 MWF 2-3
54 Social Sci
Self, Representation, and Nation 4   32601
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) R5A 3 MWF 3-4
228 Dwinelle
Self, Representation, and Nation 4   32602
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) 101A 1 MWF 1-2
102 Wheeler
Introduction to the History, Religion, and Culture of Mainland Southeast Asia 4 Rebekah Linh Collins 26577
  101 F 2-3
258 Dwinelle
Discussion     26578
  102 F 3-4
246 Dwinelle
Discussion     26579
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) 150 1 TTh 12:30-2
234 Dwinelle
Southeast Asian Mythology 4 Sylvia Tiwon 31641
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) 170 1 MWF 2-3
234 Dwinelle
Narratives of Vietnam and Vietnamese Diaspora 4 Rebekah Linh Collins 33049
Southeast Asian (SEASIAN) 188 1 TTh 3:30-5
243 Dwinelle
Cinema of Southeast Asia 4 Penny Edwards 31821
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 39 1 T 9-11
262 Dwinelle
Freshman/Sophomore Seminar 2 Joi Barrios-LeBlanc and Cynthia Chat Aban 16700
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 39 1 Th 9-11
262 Dwinelle
Freshman/Sophomore Seminar 2 Karen Llagas and Joi Barrios-LeBlanc 16701
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) C52 1 MWF 10-11
120 Latimer
Introduction to the Study of Buddhism 4 Robert Sharf 22929
  101 W 11-12
246 Dwinelle
Discussion     31621
  102 W 12-1
2030 VLSB
Discussion     31622
  103 W 1-2
2066 VLSB
Discussion     31623
  104 Th 11-12
130 Wheeler
Discussion     31624
  105 Th 12-1
228 Dwinelle
Discussion     31625
  106 Th 1-2
2032 VLSB
Discussion     31626
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) C220 1 tbd Seminar in Buddhism and Buddhist Texts 2,4 Norihisa Baba 31824
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 250 1 M
210 Dwinelle
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies 1-4 Vasugi Kailasam 24489
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 250 2 M
204 Dwinelle
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies 1-4 Lisandro Claudio
Peter Zinoman
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 250 3
210 Dwinelle
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies 1-4 Munis D. Faruqui 32604
South and Southeast Asian (SSEASN) 250 4 F
279 Dwinelle
Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies 1-4 Luther Obrock 32605
Tamil (TAMIL) 1A 1 TTh 11-12:30
6 Evans 
W 10-12 
115 AAPB
Introductory Tamil 5 Barathy Sankara Rajulu 22807
Tamil (TAMIL) 101A 1 TTh 2-3:30
115 AAPB
Readings in Tamil 4 Barathy Sankara Rajulu 24736
  101 W 1-2
242 Dwinelle
Discussion   Barathy Sankara Rajulu 24737
Telugu (TELUGU) 1A 1 TTh 12:30-2
206 Dwinelle
W 12-1
242 Dwinelle
Elementary Telugu 4 Barathy Sankara Rajulu 22868
Vietnamese (VIETNMS) 1A 1 TTh 11-12:30
4 Evans
W 10-12
4 Evans
Introductory Vietnamese 5 Hanh Tran 22811
Vietnamese (VIETNMS) 1A 2 TTh 12:30-2
205 Dwinelle
W 12-2
283 Dwinelle
Introductory Vietnamese 5 Hanh Tran 22812
Vietnamese (VIETNMS) 100A 1 TTh 2-3:30
206 Dwinelle
W 2-4
106 Dwinelle
Intermediate Vietnamese 5 Hanh Tran 22904
Vietnamese (VIETNMS) 101A 1 TTh 2-3:30
106 Dwinelle
Advanced Vietnamese 4 Cam Nguyen 22782