This elementary level course focuses on progressive acquisition of language skills to communicate effectively in Telugu. It facilitates development of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing competence along with basic grammar.

Course Description & Course Goals: Language skills focused: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing. This course focuses on progressive acquisition of language skills to communicate effectively in Telugu. It facilitates development of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing competence along with basic grammar. 

By the end of the course, students will be able to • Communicate at a basic level of Telugu in real-life situations with cultural appropriateness. • speak, read and write in Telugu with ease and confidence. • handle successfully a number of communicative tasks. Target Level : To develop oral and aural proficiency in Telugu, consistent with an ACTFL* Proficiency rating of Novice- High/Intermediate-Low To develop reading proficiency in Telugu consistent with an ACTFL* Proficiency rating of Novice - High/Intermediate -Low To develop writing proficiency in Telugu consistent with an ACTFL* Proficiency rating of Novice -High/Intermediate -Low. To develop cultural knowledge of Telugu language. * ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. 

Course Objectives: • Students will understand what is heard, spoken, read and written in a variety of topics. • Students will present information and ideas in speaking and writing. • Students will apply cultural knowledge (past and present) in speaking and writing. • Students will learn to interact with and engage fellow students in conversation, presentation and other activities. • Students will learn vocabulary required to develop LSRW, assignments and project/s. Expected time to be spent every week: • 4 hours of classes per week inclusive of weekly quizzes • At least 10 hours of preparation for each week - preparing for classes, weekly assignments, weekly quizzes, learning vocabulary and grammar – is needed to spend every week in addition to scheduled classes hours. 

Announcements and other information: • All announcements will be made via bcourses. • Weekly activities will also be updated in bcourses • Students are welcome to post Q& A in bcourses/ email the Instructor/ meet the Instructor during Office Hour/s. Etiquette: • All students are expected to maintain proper decorum in the class. • Attend every class and be on time • Inform your instructor when you have to miss class • Submit all assignments on time • Contribute to class discussion and other activities • Be attentive in class and stay for the entire class • No eating during class hours Grading: Classroom participation : 10 % Weekly quizzes : 15 % Mid term exam : 15% Assignments and group projects : 15 % Final Project : 10 % Verbal exam : 05% Attendance : 10% Final exam : 20% Grading Scale: A+ = 98.0-100% B+ = 87.0-89.9% C + = 77.0-79.9% D+ = 67.0-69.9% A = 93.0-97.9% B = 83.0-86.9% C = 73.0-76.9% D = 63.0-66.9% A- = 90.0-92.9% B- = 80.0-82.9% C - = 70.0-72.9% D- = 60.0-62.9% F = 0-59.9% P/NP Undergraduates must receive a minimum of 70% (C-) to receive a Pass (P). S/U Graduates must receive a minimum of 80% (B-) to receive a Satisfactory (S). 

*Note: No grades will be rounded up and no extra credit assignments will be allowed. No exceptions. Honor Code: The student community at UC Berkeley has adopted the following Honor Code: "As a member of the UC Berkeley community, I act with honesty, integrity, and respect for others." The expectation is that you will adhere to this code. Read the entire Berkeley Honor Code for more information.