Filipino 1A Section 3: Introductory Filipino

Category: Languages
Course #: 26269
Units: 5
Times and Locations:

MW 11 am-1 pm, 259 Dwinelle

F 11 am-12 pm, 242 Dwinelle

Filipino 1A. Introductory Filipino. Five hours a Week. Prerequisites - none. Do you know the words nanay (mother), tatay (father), sinigang (sour soup), and kawawa (poor you)? Would you like to better communicate with your grandparents who speak Filipino? You may be a heritage learner, or a person who has a proficiency in or a cultural connection to the language. Or you may have tasted adobo or heard about the Philippine beaches, or going to the Philippines to work. You may be a second-language learner interested in Filipino language and culture. This is the first course in the elementary Filipino sequence (Filipino 1A and 1B).This course develops four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The functional-situational approach in learning a language is used in this class.


Joi Barrios-LeBlanc